
Home Ride-In

Join Us for the 2024 Ride-In


The annual Women On Wheels® International Ride-In™ is the very best place to enjoy the camaraderie of riding with other ladies that enjoy motorcycles and motorcycling. Each July, with the assistance of Chapters, general membership, and the Board of Trustees, WOW invites members to the 3-day event.

The chosen location is new each year, as the organization attempts to visit all regions of the country.  Changing the Ride-In™ location each year allows the local members and chapters to highlight and share the very best of the scenery, roads, and most interesting sites in that area.

With an attendance of approximately 250, members come from all regions across the U.S. And our international members often enjoy their summer “holiday” while attending the Ride-In™. 

There are plenty of exciting events scheduled during the 3 days. As location and available space allow, there may be dealer-sponsored events or demo rides. Throughout the event, dynamic speakers and presentations both enlighten and entertain us. Local routes and maps highlight the area. These self-guided rides enable attendees to explore the area in smaller groups, at their own pace.  Plenty of unstructured time is also built-in, allowing time to enjoy the many friends that you will make at the Ride-In™. All of this activity is culminated with the Banquet and Member Recognition Ceremony.

The annual WOW Ride-In™ provides an opportunity to ride, explore and enjoy the beautiful country that surrounds us, all while making new “WOWderful” friends to enjoy it with you!

Become a Member Today!

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