About Us
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Meet The Members Of WOW
Women On Wheels® is a not-for-profit, international, family-oriented organization founded in 1982 that serves to unite all-female motorcycle enthusiasts while promoting a positive image of the motorcycling lifestyle. Whether you’re a rider or passenger, a novice or expert rider, women of all ages, skill levels, and all motorcycle and scooter types are welcome. Male, female, and child support members are also valued members of the WOW family. If you enjoy riding, socializing, laughing, learning, supporting, sharing, and friendship then Women On Wheels®️ is right for you.
WOW members are riders in their teens, in their eighties, and every age in between! WOW’s focus is on the members and the lifestyle of motorcycling, rather than on the make of machine. WOW members enjoy every make and model of motorcycle imaginable — it’s not what we ride that’s important, but rather the fact that we enjoy riding to begin with!
We’re for beginners and veterans; we’re for people from all walks of life; we’re for motorcycle commuters, racers, tourers, etc.
Women On Wheels® is a family-oriented organization and encourages family members to become involved through our support membership for spouses/significant others and our child membership for future riders.
Often we feel like one big family ourselves. And when one of us is called back home, “we all” feel it.
WOW members experience the fun and excitement of riding together, supporting each other, socializing, sharing adventures, and helping special charities — all while projecting a brighter image of motorcycling.
In fact, promoting a positive image of motorcyclists to the non-motorcycling public is a top priority. Women On Wheels®️ was awarded the Hazel Kolb Brighter Image Award in 1993 by the American Motorcyclist Association — an honor we’re all especially proud of!
Board of Trustees

Donna Schoenfeldt
Member Since: 2006

Pam Eddy
Vice President
Member Since: 2011

Gwenn Dailey-Gee
Member Since: 2017

Vickie Martin
Member Since: 2018

Laura Mitchell
Member Since: 1995

Sharon Elmore
Member Since: 2020

Trudy Williams
Member Since: 2015
Legend of the Frog
So, you want to know about the frogs, huh? It’s simple, really. If you were “frogged” at the Ride-In™, it means that someone out there thinks a lot of you and wants you to know!!
The tradition of “frogging” someone was born at the 1994 Ride-In™ in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Several WOW support members decided to do the ‘guy thing’ with a ride to Toadsuck, Arkansas – just so they could say, “been there, done that.” They searched for souvenirs to prove their visit to Toadsuck. Not one to be outdone, one ingenious member, who shall remain nameless, returned to Eureka Springs with a toad, which he somehow managed to put in my hotel bathtub. From there the little fellow made the rounds of several hotel bathtubs, although we never discovered just how they were able to get into our rooms! The next day, a fake hotel toad appeared in my bathtub. (Still, a mystery how they were getting into locked rooms.)
Eureka Springs hosts a specialty shop catering to frog lovers, and given that frogs, stuffed or otherwise, were easier to come by than toads, the tradition of “frogging” was born. For a while, frogs appeared at the most unlikely times and in the most unlikely places for most every WOW member in the State of Wisconsin. Of course, we ladies couldn’t be outdone, so we ‘frogged’ the guys in return. It was rumored that Wisconsin’s support members appointed a frog “procurement officer” who scoured garage sales for furry friends. This guy took his job seriously, and the frogs multiplied like, like, well – like tadpoles. As time passed WOW friends from other states have found frogs on their bikes, in their tents, peering out of their luggage – anywhere and everywhere! It’s taken on a life of its own these days, but basically, being “frogged” is a lot like getting a hug from a friend. It’s become a WOW tradition.